Thursday, April 1, 2010

6 Weeks

Heavenly Father,

Here I am standing before you completely vulnerable, afraid to be happy. I ask you to please allow me to carry this baby to full term. Can I please take this one home? I ask for your protection over every aspect of this pregnancy. Give my doctors wisdom to make the right decisions regarding our care. Give me the wisdom to know whether to trust the decisions the doctors make and when to demand we change course or doctors. Lord, prepare me for whatever this pregnancy brings. I ask that you would provide a miracle. Heal whatever may be broken about me. Help me receive your grace if that is not your will, grant me grace if I am to be on bed rest. I give this pregnancy to you, I trust you to take care of me and our little seahorse. Thank you so much for this blessing. I throw myself at your feet please help my heart remain hopeful. Remove this fear that is not of you, silence the voice of doubt. I want to hear only your promises for our future. I love you Lord.

Your Child


  1. Michelle, I hope it is ok that I started to follow you, I know you have not posted this blog yet, but I saw it was new in your blog list. You came to my mind today and I just clicked on you since I havent seen a new post...Hope all is well...May God hold your hand and bring you courage. xoxo....I really care about you and your happiness and i am here for you if you need me :)

  2. Yes, it is okay! I was shocked to see you found it...I forgot it would show up on my list, I am so not computer savvy. I am officially giving up on the button and will enlist someone who knows thier stuff to do it for me.
    Thank u so much for your kind words!

  3. that sounds familiar. i sa almost those exact words every night!
